Thank you for your confidence in trusting San Antonio Water System to provide you with water and wastewater services. We take this responsibility seriously.

We collect information to serve you

Our goal of delivering sustainable, affordable water services requires that we collect and keep certain personal information about you. Within San Antonio Water System we collect and share information internally.

Information such as:

  • Your name, address, contact information, driver’s license number and date of birth.
  • Your historical and current water and wastewater usage for billing and planning purposes.
  • A history of transactions that you have conducted with us through mail, internet, and phone bill payment systems. This information may include meter number, account number, account balance, payment history and account activity.
  • Internet cookies and related technology that is used to manage our websites and improve services.

We share certain information about you as required by law

SAWS may release personal account information to the agencies and entities identified under Texas Utilities Code, Section 182.054.

Your right to access your personal information

You have the right to request access to your personal information, which we have collected, and to request amendments to your information to ensure its accuracy and completeness.

To make a request for your information, please email us at or contact us in writing at the address below.

Attn: Customer Service
P.O. Box 2449
San Antonio, TX 78298-2449
210-704-SAWS (210-704-7297)

You have the right to allow access by others to your personal information

According to recent updates to Texas Utilities Code, Section 182.052, a customer’s personal information, billing, and water consumption are now exempted from public access. To allow access to your personal information such as address, date of birth, telephone number and other account information such as payment history or consumption data, we must have your permission.

SAWS is committed to being the responsible and reliable water and wastewater provider you expect. This commitment extends to the protection of our customers’ personal information.



Customer Information Disclosure Request

SAWS will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless authorized by you. You can submit a request to allow SAWS to disclose this information below.


Submit Disclosure Request