Aquifer Protection and Evaluation

The Aquifer Protection and Evaluation section of SAWS is engaged in the development process over the Recharge Zone in Bexar County as it relates to the protection of our prevailing source of water. Staff is involved in the following:

    • Aquifer Protection Plan – Review Aquifer Protection Plan for Category 2 and 3 properties over Recharge Zone and issue approval letter to applicant..
    • Building Permits – Review building permits and release when appropriate.
    • Categories – Determine Category 1, 2, or 3 designations on property on the Recharge Zone and issue letters to applicant indicating Category designation. Evaluate variance requests for changes of Category status.
    • Certificate of Occupancy – Conduct review and approvals of certificate of occupancies to ensure land use is permitted within the Recharge Zone.
    • Master Development Plans (MDP) and PUD Plans – In coordination with the City, review Master Development Plans (MDP) and Planned Unit Development Plans (PUD) for completeness based on the requirements of the Aquifer Water Quality Ordinance No. 81491 for properties over the Recharge Zone and Contributing Zone.
  • Ordinance – Enforce provisions of the Aquifer Protection Ordinance No. 81491. Also known as the Water Quality Ordinance.
  • Plats – Conduct site evaluations on plats located over the Recharge Zone and Transition Zone (when applicable).
  • Sewage Collection System (SCS) Plans – Review sewage collection system plans for sensitive recharge features on the Recharge Zone and potential impact to water quality.
  • Spills – Emergency response to accidental spills over the Recharge Zone.
  • Stormwater Quality Basin Management – Conduct quarterly inspections of stormwater quality basins over the Recharge Zone and within COSA jurisdiction to ensure compliance with WPAP and technical guidance manual for water quality protection.
  • Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) – Continue to implement the UST program for registering, permitting, inspecting (construction and annual), and enforcement of USTs located within the Edwards Recharge Zone and the Edwards Transition Zone to protect the water quality of the Edwards.  Review and comment on the State’s UST applications.
  • WPAP/CZP – Review and make written comments on Water Pollution Abatement Plans (WPAP) and/or Contributing Zone Plans (CZP) submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
  • Zoning – Conduct site evaluations on zoning cases located over the Recharge Zone and Transition Zone (when applicable).

The Aquifer Protection Ordinance No. 81491 can be found on by selecting:

Chapter 34 Water Sewer > Article VI Water Quality Control and Pollution Prevention > Division 6 Aquifer Recharge Zone and Watershed Protection.