Year-round watering rules are in effect when the City of San Antonio is NOT under any specific drought restrictions.

  • Under year-round watering rules, all fountains – whether commercial or residential ( indoor or outdoor) are allowed.
  • Landscape watering with an irrigation system or sprinkler is permitted any day of the week midnight – 10 a.m. or 9 p.m. – midnight.
  • Hand watering with a hand-held hose, soaker hose or bucket is permitted any time of day.
  • Watering with drip irrigation is permitted any day of the week midnight – 10 a.m. or 9 p.m. – midnight.
  • Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks is permitted without runoff to avoid water waste.
  • Water waste is prohibited at all times. Allowing water to run off into a gutter, ditch, or drain or failing to repair a controllable leak is considered water waste.
  • Residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural Edwards Aquifer water users should use common sense and best practices to avoid water waste.
  • The use of commercial vehicle wash facilities is permitted any day.

* NOTE: The use of treated wastewater or recycled water is a defense to prosecution under these rules.

The year-round watering rules remain in effect until the rolling 10-day average of the aquifer drops to 660 feet and the City Manager in consultation with SAWS declares a drought stage.  To see the details related to each stage or to request a variance click the links on the left.