San Antonio Enters Stage 1 Watering Rules

Edwards Aquifer level hits 10-day trigger

Stage 1 imageSo far, San Antonio hasn’t seen much rain this year, and aquifer levels are reflecting that. City ordinance requires San Antonio to enter Stage 1 watering rules when the 10-day rolling average of the Edwards Aquifer level drops to 660 feet mean sea level at the monitored well.

The trigger was reached today, so per City ordinance, City Manager Erik Walsh in consultation with Robert R. Puente, President/CEO of San Antonio Water System, declared Stage 1 rules are in effect beginning Thursday, March 10.

SAWS has significantly diversified San Antonio’s water supplies and now the Edwards Aquifer represents only about half of our available drinking water because it is just one of the utilities’ nine water sources.

According to the city’s Aquifer Management Plan ordinance, coming out of drought stages can be considered 15 days after the aquifer is above the trigger level. More information on Stage 1 specifics are at

When in Stage 1, outdoor watering with a sprinkler or irrigation system is allowed only before 11 a.m. and after 7 p.m., one day per week, as determined by the last number of your street address:

0 or 1 – Monday

2 or 3 – Tuesday

4 or 5 – Wednesday

6 or 7 – Thursday

8 or 9 – Friday

Watering days begin and end at midnight; overnight watering is not allowed. Water waste, such as water running down the street, is prohibited year-round. However, watering with a handheld hose is allowed any day, any time.

SAWS customers can take advantage of SAWS WaterSaver coupons and rebates to spruce up their yards and save money.