Today, almost 130 miles of pipeline deliver highly treated effluent to golf

AT&T Center Recycled Water Retrofit
Partnering with business is key to planning for the future, reducing water use and ensuring water quality. Companies that use recycled water – like Spurs Sports & Entertainment, which teamed up with SAWS in 2008 to add water-saving features at the AT&T Center – save 1.1 billion gallons of Edwards water each year.

courses, parks, and commercial and industrial customers throughout the city. The system can provide up to 35,000 acre-feet per year, or about 29 million gallons per day, thereby conserving large amounts of Edwards water for potable use.

The system was also designed to provide baseflows in the upper San Antonio River and Salado Creek, and the result has been significant and lasting environmental improvements for the aquatic ecosystems in these streams.

The water recycling process

Water recycling – the effective treatment and reuse of wastewater – protects public health, the natural environment and the wildlife that depends on it, downstream water supplies, and water sources for recreational use. The process also produces useful byproducts.

Recycled water can be used for irrigation and in industrial processes, biosolids can be used in soil conditioning or compost production, and gases can be captured and used to produce heat and power.

The process employs basic physical, biological, and chemical principles to remove contaminants from water. The Steven M. Clouse and Leon Creek Water Recycling Centers are conventional activated sludge facilities, while the Medio Creek Water Recycling Center uses an extended aeration process.