book coverIn 2023, SAWS developed its first-ever Energy Strategy Master Plan. In 2023, SAWS spent approximately $47 million or 10 percent of its annual operating budget on energy, making it the fourth largest use of funds behind debt service, salaries and wages, and water procurement. Every year, SAWS’ cost of energy is rising due to rate increases and changes in fuel adjustment charges. Strategically managing energy consumption will be key in reducing the impact of future energy cost increases.

In addition to reducing utility expenditures, this plan will be key in supporting the City of San Antonio’s climate action goals. In October 2019, the city adopted the San Antonio Climate Action and Adaption Plan. The plan set a goal for San Antonio to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Energy use is responsible for 48% of San Antonio’s greenhouse gas emissions and since SAWS is one of the largest energy consumers in the city, this plan can have a real impact on San Antonio’s carbon neutrality goal.

SAWS is a national leader in water conservation. Drawing on SAWS’ history in water conservation, developing this Energy Strategy Master Plan can guide future energy conservation to achieve SAWS’ operating cost, energy and emissions reduction goals without compromising water quality or water conservation. This plan establishes an initial commitment for SAWS to reduce its energy intensity (kWh/unit) by 10 percent by 2028. Reaching this goal will require the support of SAWS’ Board, Executive Team and staff.

kWh– Kilowatt-hour: measured as 1 kilowatt (1,000 watts) of power expended for 1 hour.