The Community Conservation Committee generates conservation program ideas and helps build support for those programs throughout the community.

In place of regular committee meetings, the CCC may break into smaller focus group meetings during the year to discuss program areas of a specific interest.

March 12 – Meeting Agenda

11:30 a.m.

This meeting is being held in a hybrid state with a quorum of CCC members being physically present at SAWS HQ and the rest being in attendance via WebEx link.


Mar. 12 Meeting Agenda

Application for CCC Committee

SAWS is currently seeking applications from customers who are interested in serving on the Community Conservation Committee.

Past Agendas

CCC Archive

CCC Committee Members

Dominic Dominguez

Dominic Dominguez Chair

District 2

Sean McConnell

Sean McConnell Vice Chair

Outside City Limits

Davida Smyth Davida Smyth
District 1
Della Reyes Della Reyes
District 1
DJ Seeger DJ Seeger
District 1
Rachel Cywinski Dr. Rachel Cywinski
District 3
Jasper Evins Jasper Evins
District 4
Valerie Rodriguez Valerie Rodriguez
District 5
Matthew Salomon Matthew Salomon
District 5
Amina Thomas Amina Thomas
District 5
Christina Canamar Christina Canamar
District 6
Brenda Daraiseh Brenda Daraiseh
District 7
Christopher Fullerton Christopher Fullerton
District 8
Marie LeBlanc Marie LeBlanc
District 9
Virginia Vaillancourt Garza Virginia Vaillancourt Garza
District 9
Vanessa Jimenez Vanessa Jimenez
District 10
Alan Montemayor Alan Montemayor
Outside City Limits
Bruce Glinski Bruce Glinski
Outside City Limits
Kelsey Delgado Kelsey Delgado
Outside City Limits
Sheeba Thomas Dominguez Sheeba Thomas Dominguez
Outside City Limits