
SAWS walk-in customer centers (Las Palmas & Comerica) will be closed Tuesday. For account questions or water/sewer emergencies, call 210-704-SAWS (7297).

Connect H2O


SAWS ConnectH2O is the union of a technology and a philosophy to empower every San Antonian to help manage our community’s water in a way that’s sustainable, simple and secure.

In 2021, SAWS piloted the ConnectH2O technology at more than 2,500 homes and businesses  across the city.  During the pilot, customers were given access to their water use information via the SAWS My Account website. SAWS also conducted many tests to ensure meter readings were accurate and transmitted securely and successfully to SAWS.

The SAWS Board of Trustees approved the citywide deployment of ConnectH2O in December 2021. New ConnectH2O meters are included as part of your SAWS service and require no extra fee or deposit. As plans are finalized, check back here for more updates.

imageConnectH2O Is Technology

Connecting people with the water that sustains them. ConnectH2O uses specially equipped water meters to collect hourly meter readings from each home or business and transmit it back to SAWS via a secure wireless network. That information can then be used to generate bills, trigger text or email alerts for leaks or high water use, and be made available to customers via a secure, mobile-friendly website.

ConnectH2O Is a Philosophy

Managing our water wisely is our shared responsibility. By giving our customers more timely information about their water use, we empower every San Antonian to both proactively manage their own water footprint and take part in ensuring our community’s water future.

ConnectH2O Is Sustainability

Conservation will always be a cornerstone of San Antonio’s water management, helping keep our water sustainable and affordable. ConnectH2O expands on our city’s conservation success by giving each customer the ability to make more informed choices about their daily water use.