Connect H2O

About ConnectH2O

The goal of ConnectH2O is to empower every San Antonian to help manage their community’s water by giving them more timely information about their own water use. This is done using electronic water meters and a wireless data network.

SAWS ConnectH2O uses wireless technology to collect hourly meter readings from each home or business and transmit it back to a data center. Each service address will have a water meter connected to a radio transmitter which sends the meter readings to SAWS via a secure wireless network. That information can then be used to generate bills, trigger alerts for leaks or high water use, and be made available to customers via our secure My Account website.

In 2021, SAWS installed the ConnectH2O technology at 2,500 homes and businesses in three areas of the city. During this pilot, SAWS tested the technology to ensure meter readings were accurate and transmitted successfully to SAWS. We also successfully tested other features such as leak detection and making water use information available to customers via our website.  As a result of this thorough testing, SAWS is confident in the ConnectH2O technology and will proceed with installation throughout San Antonio.

By giving customers a more direct connection to timely information about the water they use, we empower every San Antonian to both proactively manage their own water use and take part in ensuring our community’s water future. Today, SAWS obtains a single reading from your meter once per month. With SAWS ConnectH2O, we’ll read your meter every hour.

There will be no rate increase to fund ConnectH2O. The program is part of the utility’s normal, ongoing Capital Improvement Program.


Check the area around your water meter. If landscaping or other objects are blocking access to your meter, please remove them prior to your scheduled installation date.

A SAWS crew will perform some pre-work to prepare your meter box. This video highlights some of the prep that might be done by SAWS before the installation.


The installation itself is usually very quick. A SAWS worker will let the customer know they have arrived and that the water will be turned off — usually 15 minutes or less. When the installation is complete, the crew will flush the line and leave some information about the new meter for you to read.

Customers will receive a post card in the mail about four weeks before the installation and reminder phone call about two weeks before. This video provides an overview of the installation process.

SAWS installers will flush the water line at an outdoor hose bib after the installation, which should be sufficient to help clear any sediment. If you would like to do additional flushing, you can go to the faucet furthest away from the meter in your home. Remove the screen or aerator and slowly open the faucet all the way. Listen for hissing and spitting which indicates air in the line. Run the cold water for approximately 1 minute or until the water runs steadily with no bubbles or solid debris then replace the screens/aerators. You can also run the water at the hose bib.

For on-demand water heaters (sometimes called “instant” or “tankless” heaters), follow the same steps, but run both cold AND hot water at the faucet. If hot water isn’t flowing, check the relief valve on the heater and pull it to release air. Refer to your hot water heater user’s manual for safe operation.

The Flume is not designed to work with electronic water meters. However, similar to Flume, you will be able to monitor your water use via the SAWS My Account website  within 5 days after installation.

Our goal was to select a reliable, cost effective meter that can deliver accurate water use information without the need for customer Wi-Fi or frequent battery changes. We hope to add customizable alerts and other features soon.

NOTE: If you have a Flume device on the existing meter, our ConnectH2O installer will leave it in the meter box for you.

Installation of electronic water meters throughout the SAWS service area will be ongoing until 2026.

To find out if your location has been scheduled for installation, visit our  ConnectH2O Installation Schedule page and enter your address.

Meter Reading and Billing

SAWS regularly tests its water meters to make sure they meet American Water Works Association standards for accuracy. All technology will be tested for accuracy prior to installation.

The transmitter that sends your meter reading has a unique identifier that is sent along with the read data. This identifier is used to ensure the meter reading matches the meter assigned to your account.

Older mechanical meters tend to lose accuracy as they age, and therefore may not accurately measure all the water being used. New water meters more precisely measure your water use. All new meters are tested to ensure they register properly. If your meter was replaced with a new meter and you see a higher bill immediately after the new meter installation (and you have not changed your water use pattern), it is likely that the old meter was running slow, or you have a minor leak in the system that wasn’t registering correctly through the old meter.

SAWS My Account Website

Once the ConnectH2O technology has been installed at your home or business, you’ll be able to view your hourly water consumption by logging in to SAWS’ My Account website.

NOTE: This feature will become active 3-5 days after installation of your electronic meter.

Security & Technology

Your account information is safe and secure. Data captured by the meter is encrypted and transmission of data does not occur without authentication by SAWS.

The ConnectH2O technology uses a very low-powered radio. This radio’s signal is weaker than a cordless phone and will not interfere with other electronic devices in your home or business. It will not interfere with your data network. In fact, electronic meters transmit for only a few minutes each day.

For the latest updates, visit You may also email us or call 210-704-7297.