Charity Car Wash

Car Wash

A charity car wash is a fun and effective way to raise money for a worthy cause. But before you break out the buckets and hoses, please know that there are certain rules you must follow.

As part of San Antonio’s Conservation Ordinance, all charity car washes must be held at a permanent car wash facility. This not only prevents water waste, but also helps protect our water supply by keeping contaminated runoff out of storm drains, streams and Edwards Aquifer recharge features.


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Program Guidelines

All participants are required to pass the WaterSaver Car Wash inspection. The inspection form lists all of the requirements for certification. In order to be listed as a WaterSaver Car Wash, the car wash operator must ensure that the facility passes the initial inspection, and agree to adhere to all program guidelines.

After being added to the WaterSaver Car Wash listing:

  • All car washes will receive signage identifying them as a “Recognized WaterSaver Partner.”
  • Participants must reapply each year.
  • All car washes are subject to random inspection by a SAWS staff member. If a discrepancy is noted, the participating car wash will have 30 days in which to correct the discrepancy prior to being removed from the program.
  • All participating car washes that are in compliance with program guidelines are eligible to receive a 10 percent discount on their monthly sewer bill.
  • All car washes are required to host a minimum of three charity car washes per year, if approached by a nonprofit organization. Hosting of an event may include:
    • Providing designated bays for a designated period of time.
    • Allowing for sales of wash coupons with a designated amount of proceeds going to the participating nonprofit.
    • Allowing for a designated amount of the proceeds for a certain time period.