Stage 4 restrictions may be declared if the total supply of water from the Edwards Aquifer and other sources is insufficient to meet customer demand, even while complying with lesser restriction stages. These restrictions may be declared at the discretion of the City Manager upon completion of a 30-day monitoring period following Stage 3 declaration.

Stage 4 Watering Restrictions

  • At this stage, Stage 3 landscape irrigation restrictions remain in effect.
  • Landscape watering is allowed only ONCE EVERY OTHER week, from 5 a.m. – 10 a.m. or 9 p.m. – midnight on your designated watering day.

Drought Surcharge

A drought surcharge is assessed on all accounts for surcharge of $10.37 per thousand gallons will take effect for water use above 12,000 gallons.

Commercial irrigation surcharge amounts will vary based on water use and meter size.

Other Restrictions

Additional restrictions on water use may be established at the discretion of the City Council.

Stage 4 restrictions continue until there is an announcement in the newspaper that it has been canceled.