Federal COVID-19 Funds Tapped for Local Utility Bill Relief

Still feeling the financial pinch from the coronavirus pandemic? Thanks to a new federal funding program, more help is on the way.

The American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA, earmarked $1.9 trillion in federal COVID-19 relief, including $326.9 million for San Antonio.

Signed into law in March 2021, the act aims to help families, small businesses, industries and local governments recover from financial setbacks caused by the pandemic.

In November, San Antonio City Council voted to set aside a portion of local ARPA funds for utility bill relief, making up to $10 million available to SAWS customers who qualify.

To receive this assistance, you must:

  • Be a SAWS residential customer.
  • Reside inside San Antonio city limits.
  • Have an unpaid past-due balance on your SAWS account related to charges between March 1, 2020 and Sept. 30, 2021.
  • Provide documentation of a COVID-19- related financial hardship.
  • Be enrolled in a SAWS payment plan.

Most customers who qualify can receive up to $700 in bill assistance. Those who meet certain federal income guidelines may qualify for more.

The application process for this funding is expected to be available before Jan. 1. To learn more and apply online, visit saws.org/covid19.

In the meantime, if you have an unpaid balance on your SAWS bill, you can keep your water service from being disconnected by setting up a payment plan.

Visit saws.org/getcurrent and choose the “payment plan” option. Or call us at 210-704-SAWS (7297).