Got a leak alert from WaterSmart? Don’t ignore it.

If you’re receiving our free SAWS WaterSmart home report, you’re probably enjoying seeing exactly when and where you’re using the most water.


And if you’ve received a notice about a possible leak, you might be wondering if it’s legit. It is.

That’s because with the new SAWS ConnectH2O electronic water meters, customers will be alerted when continuous water use of five gallons per hour is detected for more than 48 hours. Depending on the contact information we have on file, you’ll be notified by email, text or automated phone call.

If that happens, check the usual suspects — toilets, indoor and outdoor faucets, appliances and other water connections. Many of them have a shutoff valve so you can check your meter to see if water has stopped flowing.

Remember: not all leaks are visible or even audible. Visit to learn how to use your meter — whether mechanical or electronic — to detect leaks.

For more about leak alerts and other water-saving tools, visit

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