
SAWS walk-in customer centers (Las Palmas & Comerica) will be closed Tuesday. For account questions or water/sewer emergencies, call 210-704-SAWS (7297).

Karen Guz

VP - Conservation

Karen Guz leads a diverse and energetic team responsible for acquiring more than one billion gallons of water each year through conservation education, incentives and reasonable regulation. SAWS’ conservation incentive and education programs have a proven track record of success in reducing water use while improving customer satisfaction.

Guz has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Michigan and a Master of Public Administration from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  She serves on several state and national water committees including the Technical Education Committee for Research & Evaluation for the American Water Works Association, serves as Vice Chair of the Alliance for Water Efficiency, and is Chair of the TWDB Water Conservation Advisory Council. She is also the author of the chapter on Water Conservation in the Texas Water Law Handbook.


The SAWS Conservation Department is considered one of the most successful in the nation and has been recognized through awards from numerous organizations including TCEQ, the American Water Works Association, the Water Conservation Advisory Council and the Kennedy School of Government Innovations in Government Awards. Guz has received the peer selected Water Star award from the Alliance for Water Efficiency for career achievements in conservation management.

Per capita water consumption has dropped over the past decade as a result of conservation investments saving the community costs through lower individual water bills, reduced need for new water supplies, reduced water treatment and infrastructure and avoided expansion of sewer infrastructure.



To: Karen Guz