Underground Storage Tank (UST) Inspection Reminder

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS), Resource Protection & Compliance Department, performs annual inspections on regulated Underground Storage Tank (UST) facilities. An inspection will be scheduled for your UST facility for the current year. The inspection will be performed in accordance to the provisions identified in section 34-1009 of the UST Management Ordinance 83200. You will be contacted by our representative to establish a specific date and time. A general information sheet with facility contact information will be provided to you. Please update as appropriate and return to SAWS at the time of inspection.

During the inspection, a representative of SAWS will request the following:

  1. To see the tank systems and components
  2. To see the Tank Chart(s) for the facility
  3. To see the Measuring Stick for the facility
  4. A copy of the required Testing of the facilities’ UST system for SAWS file; using one of the following methods:
    • Third-party certification
    • Leak detection results
  5. A copy of the required Current proof of insurance for the UST for SAWS file
  6. To see the Spill Kit for the facility
  7. A copy of the facilities’ Monitoring plan (if updated) for SAWS file
  8. To see if a copy of the current SAWS UST permit is posted at the facility
  9. Employees will be questioned on the proper procedures for small and large spills.

Please use this reminder as a check-list to ensure that the facility is in compliance prior to our inspection. If any deficiencies are noted during the inspection, a “Non-Compliant” letter will be sent to the owner indicating the corrections needed. The owner will have thirty days from written notification to correct the deficiencies noted. If no deficiencies are observed during the inspection, the owner will be sent a “Compliance” letter for the current year. If you have any questions concerning the UST inspection for your facility, please call Michael Escalante at (210) 233-3517, mescalante@saws.org or Michael Barr at (210) 233-3522, michael.barr@saws.org. Thank you for your time.