TPDES Stormwater Compliance Workshop

The San Antonio Water System, Resource Protection and Compliance Department, in partnership with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality-Region 13, San Antonio and the Bexar County Stormwater Program, is offering this Workshop to assist qualified inspector personnel conducting construction and development site inspections and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) reporting.

This workshop serves as an informational event that includes content providing the Qualified Inspector an understanding of federal, state and local construction stormwater regulations, ordinances and policies, regulatory expectations of construction site operators during an inspection, administrative and on-site requirements to comply with the SWPPP, erosion and sedimentation control principles and stormwater/SWPPP inspection protocols.

2024 Inspector Training Brochure and Form
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SAWS Headquarters Map
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More Workshop Downloads

The Workshop includes presentations by the San Antonio Water System, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Bexar County. Items covered in the Workshop are: Proper submittal of Notices to the local MS4, proper construction site postings, site inspections of major observations, SWPPP Inspector qualifications, Signatory Delegation for SWPPP reports, proper SWPPP site map updates and inspection processes.

Note: This workshop is NOT a stormwater inspector professional certification course.

This Workshop once completed by an attending individual will be provided a Certificate of Completion for the workshop with six (6) professional development hours (PDH).