SAWS Resource Compliance, the City of San Antonio and the Texas Department of Transportation, cooperatively fulfill the EPA mandate of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Program. This is a water quality permit program to improve the quality of surface water flowing through the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and discharged into the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone and into local streams.
Program responsibilities are accomplished through a series of educational, investigative, and enforcement activities. In addition, SAWS Resource Compliance acts as the control authority for administering the federally mandated Pretreatment Program. This program limits pollutants discharged to the sanitary sewer in an effort to protect health and safety pursuant to the Clean Water Act.
In-Stream Monitoring Programs
Performed during certain rain events (> 0.5 inches) to obtain background parameters and to identify pollutants flowing into the MS4. Monitoring for TPDES permit compliance is conducted by the Sampling and Monitoring Section.
On-Call Investigations/Spill Response
Responds to after-hour complaint calls at any location throughout the watersheds in Bexar County and provides technical information to the San Antonio Fire and Police departments, TX DOT, COSA and TCEQ.
Potable, Recycled, Stormwater, Groundwater, Surface Water and Wastewater Collection and Analysis
Responsible for collecting and analyzing wastewater samples in an effort to protect the sanitary sewer system as well as assessing sewer surcharges in accordance with San Antonio City Code, Chapter 34, Article III, Division 4, Section 34-226.3, Industrial Waste Surcharge industries discharging concentrations of biochemical oxygen demand) and/or total suspended solids) in
excess of normal domestic sewage concentrations of 250 mg/l, will be assessed a surcharge on a periodic basis. This surcharge will be in addition to the regular water and sewer charges. According to the code, Section 34-226.3(b), SAWS Resource Compliance Division shall review the basis for detecting surcharge once every two years or more frequently as needed.
In addition to these responsibilities, Resource Compliance Sampling & Monitoring at SAWS administers the liquid waste transportation program in accordance with San Antonio City Code, Chapter 34, Article V, Division 4.
Sampling & Monitoring is also responsible for collection of potable and recycled water samples to comply with SAWS internal operations and maintenance procedures and/or regulatory driven requirements pursuant to 30 TAC Chapter 290. Sample requirements exceed 7,000 per year.
Sampling and Monitoring Contact:
Lee Sarate, Supervisor: 210-233-3574