SAWS Assists CPS Energy in Response to ERCOT’s Conservation Request

Alternative power sources and key water management will reduce energy demand during peak

Due to high energy demand expected after a record number of days above 100 degrees, SAWS will modify operations and use alternative power sources to help diminish the strain on our energy grid. In response to CPS Energy’s request for assistance, SAWS has selected key energy-intensive facilities and will change their power sources or reduce power use as follows:

  • SAWS will stop pumping recycled water into the San Antonio River at 1 p.m.
  • All SAWS office facilities will run on generator power starting at 2:30 p.m.
  • Water pumping at our desalination plant and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) at H2Oaks Center will be turned off but will not affect water availability for customers.

“At the request of CPS Energy, we are doing our part to help alleviate the energy demand to help our community,” said Robert R. Puente, SAWS President and CEO. “We are well prepared with diversified water resources and have well-established, reasonable watering rules in place that help us manage how much water we pump and from where.

“If we all do our part, we can help make a significant impact, and I would highly encourage other business leaders to also find ways to curtail their energy use,” he continued. “We can manage this together.”