We’re Still Under Stage 2 Watering Rules

Extreme heat and dry conditions are expected to dominate the summer — and so are Stage 2 watering rules.

Under Stage 2, landscape watering with a sprinkler, irrigation system or soaker hose is allowed only from 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m., one day a week, based on the last number of your street address. You can still hand-water with a hose-end nozzle any time you want.

Keep this in mind: If you’ve been watering once a week (and twice a day) with an irrigation system or sprinkler, your landscape may look great — but your wallet may suffer severely.

Huge water bills happen, but they’re unnecessary. That’s because they can be prevented by simply not running your irrigation system or sprinklers every week. Your landscape simply doesn’t need it.

Remember to visit GardenStyleSA.com for weekly watering advice and landscaping tips to reduce outdoor water use while still keeping your yard thriving.