Whack Weeds the Old-Fashioned Way

If you’re thinking about running to the garden center for something to rid your yard of recently thriving weeds, don’t. “Weed and feed” products will not help your situation now. In fact, the fertilizer will only bolster the weeds and likely make your situation worse.

The solution: good, old-fashioned elbow grease.

Pulling out individual weeds like thistle is very effective, especially when soils are moist after a rain. Wear thick garden gloves for protection and pull gently from the base of the weed

If you see what looks like clover in the grass or bedding areas, try chopping off the top with a weed eater or hoe. Then apply a fresh layer of mulch on top to discourage regrowth.

In areas where your turf did not have a chance to recover from drought before the cold weather crept in, mow the weeds regularly to keep them from going to seed.